Terms of service

  1. Preliminary Provisions.
    1. The following terms and conditions (the “Terms and Conditions”) set forth the rules of the Weegree.com website. The Terms and Conditions set forth the rights and obligations of the Administrator of Weegree.com (the “Service”), as well as contain other information required by law.
  2. Definitions.
    1. Service – is a service provided electronically by the Administrator allowing the publication of Advertisements on the domain http://weegree.com
    2. Administrator – the entity managing and operating the Service, which is Weegree sp. z o.o.
    3. Services – any services provided electronically by the Administrator to Users based on these Regulations.
    4. Weegree.com – a website owned by the Administrator, located at www.weegree.com, under which the Administrator provides Services.
    5. Account – a free of charge account of the User within the Service.
    6. Announcement – an offer of work, cooperation or order, added by a User or Authorized Person to the Service, for the benefit of Eurobud Contracting Sp. z o.o.
    7. Candidate – a person applying for a job offer, within the Service.
    8. ICT system – a set of cooperating IT devices and software, providing processing and storage, as well as sending and receiving data via telecommunications networks by means of a terminal device appropriate for a given type of network, as defined in the Telecommunications Law.
    9. Regulations – these Regulations.
  3. General Provisions.
    1. These Regulations specify:
      1. The rights and obligations of the Administrator and Candidates related to the provision of Services by electronic means,
      2. The rules of exclusion of the Administrator’s liability for the provision of Services by electronic means,
      3. principles of protection of personal data of individuals using the Services provided electronically.
    2. The Administrator shall make the Regulations available to the Candidates free of charge and, upon their request, in such a way that the content of the Regulations can be obtained, reproduced and recorded by means of a data communications system. The candidate is not bound by those provisions of the Regulations that have not been made available to him/her as described above.
    3. The Administrator provides the Services electronically in accordance with the Regulations.
    4. The Administrator is obliged to comply with the provisions of the Terms and Conditions from the moment of taking steps to use the Services.
  4. Conditions for the display of Announcements.
    1. The Administrator may post within the Service, an unlimited number of Advertisements.
    2. The description of the Announcement should be accurate and complete, and must not mislead other Users, especially as to the characteristics of the Service or Order. The description of the Announcement should comply with the requirements of the law, in particular, it should contain the information required under certain circumstances, including the information indicated in the applicable consumer protection legislation. The Administrator is fully responsible for the content placed by him in the description of the Advertisement, including being responsible for any errors or inaccuracies of such description.
    3. The Administrator undertakes not to place Advertisements, the content of which violates the applicable laws or the rights of third parties (in particular, copyrights and other intellectual property rights), as well as the display of which may be considered to violate good morals.
    4. After the Administrator approves the content of the description of the Announcement, it is made available on the Website, and from that moment the Administrator is bound by the content of the description of the Announcement and its publication begins.
  5. Technical determinants of service provision.
    1. In order to be a candidate of the Service and use its resources, you need a computer, any Internet browser, access to the Internet and possession of any and active electronic mailbox (e-mail).
    2. The service stores cookies on candidates’ computers to remember the offers they have viewed, to create viewing statistics for our content partners and advertisers, to present online advertisements with content most relevant to the user’s interests, and to create online surveys and protect them from multiple voting by the same people.
  6. Rights and responsibilities of the Administrator and Candidates.
    1. The Administrator undertakes to provide the Services on a continuous and uninterrupted basis.
    2. The administrator reserves the right to:
      1. temporary discontinuation of the Services due to maintenance activities or related to modification of the Weegree.com Website,
      2. sending technical messages related to the operation of the services to the electronic addresses of Users.
      3. The administrator reserves the right to remove an offer at any time in the event that it is determined that its content violates applicable laws – in particular, the law on the subject. unfair competition, other rights of third parties as well as the provisions of the Terms of Service.
      4. The administrator reserves the right to make corrections in the offers by correcting language errors, changing category affiliations, formatting content, renaming attached files, changing the size of the uploaded logo, removing incorrect attachments.
    3. Completion of the electronic registration form resulting in the registration of the Account is tantamount to consent to the processing of the User’s personal data by Eurobud Contracting Sp. z o.o. within the Service, in accordance with the Act of August 29, 1997. On the protection of personal data (Journal of Laws No. 133, item 883, as amended).
    4. The Administrator declares that all content, including images, downloadable materials, logos, placed on the Website, are true and do not violate any copyright or personal rights.
  7. Responsibility.
    1. The administrator is responsible for the content and materials transmitted and published on the Site, including their views, nor for the materials posted on the Site.
    2. The Administrator is responsible for the authenticity of the information and data added to the Service.
    3. The Administrator is not responsible for the loss of Service data stored in the Administrator’s computer systems, caused by equipment failure, Internet dysfunction, loss due to the actions of third parties or other causes.
    4. The Administrator shall not be liable for damages caused by improper use of the Service by Candidates, in particular caused by the use of the Service by a Candidate contrary to the provisions of these Regulations.
    5. The Administrator shall not be liable for problems in the use of the Service if they occurred as a result of events that the Administrator, exercising due diligence, was not able to foresee or prevent, in particular, the malfunction of the Candidate’s ICT system or Internet connections, and force majeure events.
    6. The candidate bears full legal responsibility for the information and materials posted by him/her on the Service.
  8. Processing of personal data, privacy policy.
    1. The database of personal data of Candidates and information submitted to the Service is subject to legal protection. The Administrator of the Website is the controller of personal data (as defined in the Personal Data Protection Act) processed in accordance with this Act and the scope of consents given by Candidates.
    2. The candidate has the right to inspect his/her data processed by the above entity, the right to correct such data, and the right to request the discontinuation of its processing by deletion from the database.
    3. The Administrator shall not make available in any other way than the purpose of the Service and the scope of the consents and statements of the Terms of Service, information and data about Users to any other third parties without a legal basis ordering the Administrator to do so, and ensures that every effort is made to ensure that this information is guarded properly at least in the manner prescribed by the provisions of the Personal Data Protection Act and the regulations issued on its basis.
    4. All personal data, other information and their scope are provided by the User to the Service on a voluntary basis, and the User agrees to make these data and information public, which means that an unlimited number of Internet users will have access to them.
  9. Contact Service. Failures. Reporting violations of the law. Complaints.
    1. Any comments, inquiries, information regarding the Service may be directed to the Administrator at http://www.weegree.com/firma/kontakt/
    2. Disruptions in the use of the Service may be advertised by the candidate by reporting the dysfunction to the Administrator using the form provided at http://www.weegree.com/firma/kontakt/.
    3. Complaints will be reviewed on an ongoing basis by the Service support team within 14 days of the complaint, but the Administrator reserves the right to leave the complaint unanswered if it relates to dysfunctions resulting from ignorance of the Rules and Regulations, the Candidate’s failure to follow the instructions given to Candidates directly by the Administrator.
    4. A properly submitted claim should contain at least the following details:
      1. designation of the User (name, surname, address, e-mail address – provided in the offer),
      2. subject of the complaint,
      3. circumstances justifying the complaint.
    5. Complaints not containing the above data will not be considered.
    6. The Administrator reserves the right to intervene in the technical structure of the Announcement, in order to diagnose irregularities in the functioning of the Service’s services, as well as to make changes and in any other way affect the technical side of the Service, in order to modify it or restore the proper functioning of the Service.
    7. If inappropriate content and materials are reported, they will be removed or reviewed.
  10. Final Provisions.
    1. The Administrator reserves the right to assign, in part or in whole, any of its rights and obligations related to the Service to another entity, without obtaining the consent of the Candidates.
    2. The provisions of these Regulations may be amended by the Administrator at any time, without giving reasons. These changes will be published on the Service on an ongoing basis with information about the modification.
    3. It is forbidden without the consent of the Administrator expressed in writing: to copy, duplicate or any other use in whole or in fragments of information, data or other content from the service except for personal use.
    4. Any disputes arising under the Regulations or contracts for the provision of Services by electronic means will be resolved by a Polish common court.
    5. In matters not regulated in the Regulations, the provisions of the Act on Provision of Electronic Services, the Act on Personal Data Protection, the Civil Code and other mandatory provisions of law shall apply.