EU projects

1. weegree sp. z o.o. S.k. is implementing the project “Development of information and communication technologies at WEEGREE SPÓŁKA Z OGRANICZONĄ ODPOWIEDZIALNOŚCIĄ SPÓŁKA KOMANDYTOWA, based in Opole.”

Co-financed by the European Union with funds from the European Regional Development Fund under the Opole Regional Operational Program 2014-2020; Priority Axis 02 Competitive Economy, Measure 2.1 New products and services in SMEs.

The aim and effect of the project is to optimize and automate the business processes of related enterprises within the capital group through the implementation of an integrated IT ECM+ERP system to facilitate the management of documents, business processes and resources of a multi-entity business body, together with an application for data exchange with customers in the field of employee delegation and handwritten biometric signature of documents.

Funding amount: 385 461,56

Value of the project: 948,425.13

1. INQUIRY NO. 1/RPO.02.01.02-16-0071/16

2. “Industrial research and development at Weegree Sp. z o.o. Ltd. K. on hybrid intelligence system supporting smart specializations of Opole Province.”

WEEGREE spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością sp.k. implements the project: “Pre-engineering research and development at Weegree Sp. z o.o. Ltd. K. on hybrid-d intelligence system supporting smart specializations of Opole province”.

The purpose and effect of the project is to increase the R&D activity of Weegree by carrying out industrial research and development work that will lead to the development of a hybrid intelligence system that is an ICT tool dedicated to industrial applications with a particular focus on the smart specializations of the Opole region.

Project co-financed by the European Union from the funds of the European Regional Development Fund under the Regional Operational Programme of the Opolskie Voivodeship for 2014-2020; Priority axis 01 Innovations in the Economy, Measure 1.1 Innovations in enterprises

Total value 3,414,936.87

Eligible expenses 3,198,994.27

Funding 2,033,139.87

1. INQUIRY NO. 1/RPO.01.01.00-16-0072/16

2. REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2/RPO.01.01.00-16-0072/16

3. INQUIRY NO. 3/RPO.01.01.00-16-0072/16

4. INQUIRY NO. 4/RPO.01.01.00-16-0072/16

3. industrial research and development at Weegree Sp. z o.o. Ltd. K. over a system of mobile low-energy modular smart homes.

WEEGREE spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością sp.k. implements the project ” Industrial research and development at Weegree Sp. z o.o. Ltd. K. over a system of mobile low-energy modular smart homes.

The goal and main effect of the project is to increase the R&D activity of Weegree Sp. z o.o. Ltd. k. By carrying out industrial research and development work that will lead to the development of technology for the construction of a mobile home unit for communal living with innovative systems: prefabrication and solar energy harvesting. By creating a technology that is unique in the world, the implementation of the project translates into an increase in the innovativeness of the Applicant’s enterprise, the entire construction industry and the country’s economy.

The result of the research campaign will be the development of technological assumptions of the proposed solutions, the construction of different variants of the prototype mobile dwelling unit and its testing in real conditions in order to select the optimal solution that meets the research assumptions to the highest degree

Project co-financed by the European Union from the funds of the European Regional Development Fund under the Regional Operational Programme of the Opolskie Voivodeship for 2014-2020; Priority axis 01 Innovations in the Economy, Measure 1.1 Innovations in enterprises

Amount of funding 2,544,625.00

Value of the project 4,028,470.00